When I started my blog, I worried that there wouldn’t be enough interesting topics to write about on a regular basis. I was wrong…
Politically, 2016 was the year of Brexit and Donald “Mr. Brexit” Trump.
If you read one single article by me, let it be How to win votes.
Written shortly after the Brexit referendum, it anticipated what the mainstream media ‘discovered’ following the election of Trump. Including fake news, the role of hackers, online bubbles, demographic voting blocks, elite rejection of election results…
Rereading my piece What voters like about Trump, I can say that I covered all relevant aspects months before Trump’s victory forced the Belgian press to take him seriously. And I pointed out the backlash against social justice warriors which is also happening in Europe, e.g. due to their crusade against Zwarte Piet (note that my post was written in June!).
By clicking on the Trump tag, you can find more posts on Trump’s presidential campaign and the reaction of the press.
On finance and economics, I have written long posts on central banking, such as
How central banks influence interest rates by quantitative easing
Helicopter money part I, part II and part III
Central bank liabilities and profits
Furthermore, some economic posts exposed the errors of tenured professors. They should read my upcoming book!
The book I’m writing is a kind of Finance for dummies1. I need about one more month of editing before I can send it to a publisher. Check my blog in 2017 for updates on when it will be released. You can also follow me on Twitter.
There is nothing about Trump in my book, so his haters will also like it!