When people ask me what I used to do before I became a writer/consultant, I usually tell them that I was a risk manager. That’s also the description I use on the cover of Bankers are people, too.
Indeed, I worked in the risk management department of a European bank for more than four years (2011-2015). Risk managers come in all shapes and sizes. My specific title was process manager. Process managers are responsible for the implementation of business requirements by the IT staff. Process managers monitor and improve the operations needed to create risk reports. I also briefly (2015-2016) worked as a functional analyst in the data quality department of the same bank.
Specifically, I worked on the reporting process of credit risk. I was involved in the economic capital (‘ECap’) calculation in the context of Basel II. Later, my job revolved around liquidity reporting. Our teams set up the LCR and NSFR templates (Basel III).
In the future, I will blog more about what it is like to work in a bank. Of course I’m not going to disclose sensitive information. Stories might be redacted to keep my former colleagues anonymous.