European banks with an explicitly green or sustainable profile:
- ABN AMRO Groenbank1 (NL)
- ASN Bank2 (NL)
- BOŚ Bank (PL)
- ING Groenbank3 (NL)
- Rabo Groen Bank4 (NL)
- UmweltBank (DE)
Ethical banks:
- Alternative Bank Schweiz (CH)
- APS Bank (MT)
- Banca Etica (IT, ES)
- Cultura Bank (NO)
- Ekobanken (SE)
- GLS Bank (DE)
- Merkur (DK)
- Triodos Bank (NL, BE, ES, UK, DE)
See also:
Febea (European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers)
GABV (Global Alliance for Banking on Values)