Economics is hard

How are economic statistics collected? Do economic models correspond to observable reality?

In a world where markets and politicians respond strongly to things like gross domestic product (GDP) figures and economic forecasts, these are important questions. Unfortunately, discussion often jumps directly to the interpretation of new data or the output of models. Students are rarely challenged to question what the data and the models represent.

I recently came across two great articles that dig into these issues. Continue reading “Economics is hard”

Meer weten over beleggen en andere financiële onderwerpen?

De meeste Vlaamse bezoekers van deze blog komen voor mijn posts over Tax-on-Web en  pensioensparen.

Als je geïnteresseerd bent in beleggingsfondsen, dan raad ik aan. is een onafhankelijke website die zich richt op particulieren. Naast nuttige vergelijkingen van spaar- en beleggingsproducten, vind je er bijvoorbeeld ook info over fiscaliteit.

In zijn opiniestuk Niet voor onbevoegden legt Marc Person uit dat de banken en de overheid niet willen dat je “te slim” zou worden als het om geldzaken gaat. Net daarom zijn sites zoals broodnodig.


I used to commute to Brussels by train. The usual experience: full compartments, sometimes people had to stand if they didn’t want to wait for the next train.

When I went to a conference about the financial crisis (slides) last month, the train was almost empty.

As recently as five years ago, few companies allowed telecommuting. If your supervisor was OK with it, you were lucky to work from home once a week.

Nowadays, almost everybody realizes that a lot of jobs don’t need the physical presence of workers in some central office. With just a laptop, a VPN, and a headset you’re ready to collaborate with your colleagues from the kitchen table.

Credit where credit is due: banks were among the first to institutionalize telework.

Show me the money, nerd!

Finance attracts lots of smart people. But that doesn’t mean you’ll make money from their ideas.

Here are some examples of why listening to supposedly smart analysts can be bad for your financial health:

  • Peter Cauwels and Didier Sornette, researchers at ETH Zurich, declared in 2011 that Facebook was worth 15 billion dollars.

Continue reading “Show me the money, nerd!”

‘Hoe bankiers geld scheppen’ in de bieb

Verschillende bibliotheken hebben een exemplaar van Hoe bankiers geld scheppen opgenomen in hun catalogus 🙂

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