European Payments Initiative

A group of 16 European banks are working on a unified card and digital wallet that can be used across Europe.

The founders of the European Payments Initiative (EPI) include all major French, German and Spanish banks.

I’m curious why Intesa Sanpaolo1 and the Austrian and Nordic banks haven’t joined.

A pan-European payment solution is long overdue. Payment providers like Visa, Mastercard and PayPal have profit margins that European banks can only dream of. Increased competition and lower prices would be great for sellers and consumers.

Het fabeltje van de Italiaanse krekel en de Nederlandse mier

Stroomt het geld van de Nederlandse en Duitse belastingbetalers naar de luie Italianen? Philipp Heimberger en Nikolaus Krowall zetten enkele feiten over de Italiaanse economie op een rijtje in dit artikel.

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